Monday, January 12, 2009

People of 2008 Finalist: José María Prazeres Pós-de-Mina

WASHINGTON, Nov 24 (OneWorld) - The mayor of one of Portugal's smallest and poorest municipalities has launched one of the largest green business initiatives in the world, and now he's spearheading an eight-country project to create communities run entirely on renewable energy.

Small Wars Journal

Does Force Composition Matter?

The preliminary findings of this policy brief therefore suggest that:

• Increased numbers of peacekeepers from fewer contributing countries
are more effective than fewer peacekeepers from a larger
number of contributing countries.

• The forces in these five cases that consisted of cross-regional
peacekeepers were more effective than those comprised of
peacekeepers from one region.

• The stability of a force seems to be a critical factor. The longer a
peacekeeping force is deployed, the more time it has to establish
itself as an actor in the conflict.

Counterinsurgency Field Manual: Afghanistan Edition


1-3. Although all development is critical in this impoverished country, roads are the single most important path to success in Afghanistan. In Ghazni province last summer, one of us spoke with an Afghan road builder whose shirt was covered in dried blood. He’d been shot by the Taliban a day earlier for working with the coalition, but he was back the next morning with his paving crew because he thought that finishing that road was the best way to bolster security in his village. Indeed, the U.S. general who was critical of U.S. counterinsurgency efforts in Afghanistan pointed at Afghanistan’s ring road from the window of his Black Hawk helicopter, and declared, “Where the road ends, the Taliban begins.”


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lt Col Dave Grossman